Sunday, March 13, 2011

How To Get a Good Men

It is not easy for women to find a good man, and to be honest it is not easy for a man to find a good woman. This is written from a man's perspective to help frustrated women that are sincerely looking for a good man but keep finding losers.

Be yourself. When you meet someone for the first time, you may be tempted to be someone you're not, such as "putting on your best face". There's nothing wrong with wanting to make a good impression. However, it is possible to take this too far and in turn repel men. The same applies with myths about dressing sexy and excessive flirtation. If you do not respect your body, you will only attract men who have a similar lack of respect for you and your body, and a good man will find it more difficult to take you seriously. Be yourself, and a real man will respect you.

Have a life. Desperate, dramatic, and clingy relationships are often rooted in a feeling of need and desperation for a man to fill your life. Even if you have low self-esteem, but work over time to build it. Pursue your goals, explore your passions, have an interesting life, do things that take you outside your boundaries. Don't put up a tough exterior to get over shyness; gradually learn to build trust with a network of people, so that your boyfriend isn't the only person you open up to and share your life with.

Be relaxed and cool. Most guys hate it when girls are possessive, bitchy, clingy, controlling, etc. Learn to relax, and have fun. We all have too much going on in our lives; don't be the high maintenance "drama queen". Having a woman around who makes life more difficult than enjoyable will make a man lose interest. If you do things like show genuine concern when the man has had a rough day, it will earn his respect and go toward winning him over and a good man will reciprocate. Remember that most men, especially the good ones, are looking for someone with whom they can be comfortable, and not someone who is always intense.

Realize differences in communication. Men can often miss the subtle messages that women send in their body language. Don't judge a guy because of this, it's just the way men are. Subtle body language like smiles only make a man think that you might like him; he can't assume it means you're interested without being accused of being a self-absorbed jerk. To drive the point home, gradually introduce more "obvious" body language like playful touches on the arm, playful banter and teasing, winks, inside jokes, playfulness, or (when you know him better) attempts to find a man's ticklish spots. (Don't be afraid to kindly tease him over minor things - women who pretend a man is perfect are regarded as weak in their eyes). Flirting will not only show him you like him enough to get that physical and playful, but also help to break the physical barrier and allow a man to feel more comfortable making a few advances to you. But don't forget to look at how he is reacting to you.

Take a good look at yourself. Psychological studies have shown that people seek out partners to fill a psychological void. Sometimes these voids are unhealthy, for example a woman who is unhealthy will actually seek out any man for the "high of seduction" or to get attention and feel desirable. Look inside yourself and ask yourself why you want a man so bad, be truly honest with yourself, and if need be talk to a therapist about this. A woman with issues only attracts a guy with issues as well, and a good, real man doesn't want anything to do with a woman who has more issues than TIME magazine. If you want a good, healthy relationship with a real man, make certain that your own mental state and intentions are healthy.

Drop the games. Nobody likes a partner who plays "head games". This is deceptive, and will hurt anybody who trusts you. Be real, don't play games, and good men will respect you and may even pursue you. Playing head games will only make good men run away. Remember the communication thing? That is especially true here. If you like a guy, don't push him away and act like you don't like him. Tell him. Yes, there are some men who do like the thrill of the chase, but all good men genuinely want to respect you and your wishes, and will leave you alone if you insist on it. Remember, men communicate directly, if you act like you don't want him, he'll think you don't want him.

Treat him with respect. This is the most important thing of all. Men hate being around a woman who emasculates them, and a good man won't take long to leave such a woman. Don't be afraid to help your man feel good about himself. A little known secret is that men are just as insecure as women. If he's with his friends or family be open to opportunities to let your man look like "the man". It will win his love and respect.

Don't be afraid to make a move. Let's be real, a good man doesn't desperately need any woman, he would like to meet a good woman. If he's a good man, he will appreciate the compliment to his attractiveness, at the very least. But remember that compliments are usually given to acquaintances - people who are intimate usually have a more honest connection, with playful teasing and banter. Think of good relationships between brothers and sisters, parents and children, especially couples - they're always joking, laughing, teasing, flirting in a positive way. A woman who is always complimenting may simply be boring and look desperate. Even if you are old-fashioned and never want to be the woman who asks a man for a date, you can still go out of your way to talk to him, and arrange to be with him. Don't over do this, however; unless he is already attracted to you before the encounter, the more obvious it is that you've put a ton of time into the encounter without his direct encouragement, the more desperate and less attractive you look. Work on building attraction first.

Respect yourself. If you say no, he should stop. If he doesn't stop, leave. Don't ever be uncomfortable saying no. Don't go against your morals to try to keep a guy. If you feel this is necessary, then either he's not a good man, or he is a good one but simply isn't a good match for you specifically (e. g. he is currently "playing the field" and is up front and honest about it, but you're looking for an exclusive relationship). Don't be uncomfortable saying yes, either. If you feel the time is right, believe in your worth and don't worry that you're "giving yourself away." You respect yourself and you're confident that he'll come back for more! A man who doesn't respect you in the morning never properly respected you to begin with, and a man who doesn't respect your wishes to wait is too impatient to make a good partner. Either way, find someone else.

Follow the Golden Rule. That means apply the same rules to yourself that you'd apply to others, including him. Real men do in fact notice this, they just don't scream it out. For example, if he tells you he has a girlfriend and things are not working out, Stop! and think ladies that this could be a "test" on how you would handle the situation, stand your ground cut off communication, hint "Golden Rule". Second example,if you do want to try finding his ticklish spots, then don't complain one bit if he tries finding yours in return. Don't go on about how you "don't NEED no man!" or about "men this, men that" if you don't want him treating you the same way. DO, on the other hand, treat him--and others--with respect, dignity, and honor. Others will notice, too, and who knows--if they know you want a good, real man but don't yet have one, they just might introduce you to one.

Don't Be Clingy. This means don't show that you love this person by being near them all the time. They need their space and they need to know that you don't need to follow them everywhere they go. Most of all, they need to know that you have your own life.

Monday, February 14, 2011

My Valentine on 14 Feb 2011

Happy Valentine's Day to my Jagoan!! HaHaHa..Thank You so much for this perfect beauty gift..I love it!!

matte palette ini merupakan salah satu produk M.A.C yang saya idamkan..tercapai jua setelah menerimanya sebagai gift dari orang yang tersayang..tak sabar nak TRY!!

my matte palette with my pinky cute..

Sunday, February 6, 2011


 with my friend (Azwa a.k.a wa)..she is so funny and i like her very much..
itulah Gunung Senyum yang terletak di Temerloh, Pahang..kajian lapangan bersama junior Sejarah pada 28/01/11-30/01/11..Gunung Batu Kapur..ada banyak gua-gua di dalamnya..sangat menarik..menakjubkan..and i like it !!!

another posing with Gunung Senyum..HeHeHe..

That its!! hasil lepas zoom in..Cantik..

me, with Dr. Adnan..our lecturer..

and know what..i love this picture the most..i dont know..i just like it..tunnel inside the cave..its really beautiful and it !!

me, with PACAT !! sikit pun tak takut...bangga...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tiada Hari Tanpa Air Mata

Kehidupan yang penuh liku, penuh tanda tanya, dan penuh kejutan itu sudah pasti mengundang deraian air mata tanpa henti ini..bukan pertama kali aku tumpahkan air mata untuk menghayati kisahku ini..hari ini sahaja entah yang berapa kalinya aku mengalirkan air mata mengenang nasib yang tidak ada sudahnya itu..apa perlu ku terus begini? sungguh meruntun jiwaku..kadang kala aku tersenyum, mengerutkan dahi, marah, dan menangis terlalu sedih..hari-hariku dihujani dengan deraian air mata, dikejutkan dengan pelbagai perasaan..tiada apa yang boleh mengganggu tumpuanku kepada jalan cerita ini..drama Korea yang menjadi pujaan hatiku, sinetron Indonesia yang mengundang pilu itu, dan novel kisah cinta yang penuh dengan derita..kegilaan ini tiba-tiba memuncak..tanpa henti melayani kehebatan lakonan dan tulisan cinta itu..apa tidaknya, asyik menghayati kesedihan yang dicipta penuh realiti..pasti menangis, membengkak mata..maka, itu la, tiada hari tanpa air mata..Lucu pun ada mengenangkan diri ini dibuai "syok sendiri gitu"..

Friday, July 23, 2010

new look...

just telling that im very happy even something bad happen to me..i mean bad because its broken my heart..tetapi sangat berterima kasih kerana perpisahan itu telah menyelamatkan saya daripada ancaman yang lebih teruk!!!..hihihihi...bersyukurlah...dia bukan untukku, memang selayaknya perlu diungkapkan begitu...

Monday, April 26, 2010

DoNt CaRe aNyMoRe.....

pejam celik pejam celik...perjuangan bagi semester 2 sudah hampir selesai...well, time to say good bye and welcome to the next semester...sesungguhnya pengalaman semester 2/2010 membawa sejuta kenangan yang sukar untuk dilupakan...ada yang menggembirakan, menyedihkan, melukakan, dan paling penting telah menyedarkan saya...betapa saya menghargai pengalaman itu walaupun cukup pahit untuk ditelan...penantian untuk menuju ke semester 3 penuh dengan semangat yang baharu...banyak yang dilalui bersama dengan rakan-rakan seperjuangan dan juga rakan karib...masalah-masalah yang saya hadapi cukup menguji kesabaran saya dan cukup mencabar...namun, saya mampu mengatasi semuanya dengan iringan doa, kesabaran, dan nasihat daripada teman...Puji Tuhan...terlalu payah untuk berhadapan dengan pelbagai konflik daripada pelbagai sudut...tetapi, Tuhan telah memberi petunjuk dan panduan untuk sedar dan bangkit memperbetulkan keadaan...

to be continue...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

anak, gadis, pelajar, kekasih, hamba Tuhan...

sebagai seorang anak, saya punyai tanggungjawab yang besar terhadap keluarga..saya lahir untuk mengasihi, mencintai, dan menyayangi keluarga saya..punyai cabaran yang besar ketika bergelar anak..dimarahi, dirotan, dan rasa terkongkong..sebagai seorang gadis yang meningkat dewasa...saya cuba mencari kematangan, menjaga segala hal yang dimestikan...menjadi seorang gadis yang punyai wawasan...namun, dugaan menimpa berlimpah-limpah ketika saya mengenal erti cinta yang luar biasa..dalam menempuhi peringkat dewasa..saya belajar banyak perkara dan mendapat pengalaman untuk menjadikan saya lebih dewasa..saya jatuh dan bangkit semula supaya saya tidak bergelar sebagai seorang yang gagal..sebagai seorang pelajar..saya tidak pernah jemu untuk terus belajar dan mencapai cita-cita serta menjadi kebanggaan keluarga..sebagai seorang kekasih..saya ingin mencintai dan dicintai..menyayangi dan disayangi..mempercayai dan dipercayai..memahami dan difahami..melindungi dan dilindungi..memberi yang terbaik kepada dia..namun, cubaan dan dugaan yang menimpah cukup menguji ketabahan dan kesabaran..merasai keretakan hati..merasai perit dan pedih..sebagai seorang hamba Tuhan..mempercayai kewujudanNya sudah menjadi kewajipanku..memuji dan mengasihi Dia..meminta petunjuk dariNya sudah menjadi doa harianku..